
Art Show Photos

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Artist Profiles 9

Chistiane Crosby created a piece of artwork to honor and remember all of her babies in one place. After 10 pregnancies in 10 years, which included miscarriages, stillborns and the live birth of her daughter at 26 weeks, Christiane has appreciated the opportunity to create a piece of art to share both the grief and the hope she experienced when she and her husband tried to start a family.

Kelly Martin, an artist and teacher, has always found that the creation of art can lead to healing, understanding and clarity when we are faced with challenges in our lives. Kelly and her husband have struggled with unexplained infertility over the last two and a half years and still hold hope that one day they will be able to start a family. The creation and sharing of Kelly's artwork has been a powerful experience given infertility can be such a silent struggle.

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